How to optimize the use of ARCHiTRACKER app

ARCHiTRACKER is officially available on the app store(sorry android users, we are still working the android version, but we couldn't hold it in any longer so iOS gets the priority!) 

The app is designed to be simple and easy to understand to use, but we want to be sure that you are REALLY utilizing all the features that we have developed for you. 

So you have ARCHiTRACKER downloaded and are ready to go out to explore London... but where are you now? (Or if you have not downloaded the app yet, please click here)

Step 1: Turn your GPS on to locate your exact location.

Step 2: Under 'Map view', you can see if there are any interesting architectures immediately around you. If you have found one, go to Step 3. If not, go and walk around until you find something! 

Step 3: Click on the pins and you will be directed to the page of that building's information and photographs! It will even show you the directions to get there if you are not close enough!

and that's it! Just three simple steps while you are on the go! 


But of course, the fun doesn't end here, you can plan your day before you even leave the house! Find out which buildings you wish to visit by going into the 'List View' tab, you can view the full exhaustive list of buildings in London! 

When you have found one, click on the image, and it will direct you to the building's information and photographs page. If you are an architect or in the field or just curious, we have conveniently provided links to the Architect's official website, photographer's website, and other consultants that are involved with the project, so then you can view more details about their other projects. 


We hope that you will find ARCHiTRACKER app useful for whatever reason you use it for, be it curious about your city, travelling, architectural inspiration etc etc. We welcome all kinds of feedback and opinions, so please feel free to email us at any time to [email protected], and we will try to respond to all! You can also track our development on the app on our ARCHiTRACKER Roadmap.

Thank you for all your supportive words and love ARCHiTRACKERs! Our team really appreciates your patience, and will continually work hard to develop and tailor the app to your best concerns! 

The launch is happening! Calling out for iOS test users!

28th February 2017. Mark this date as our anniversary! 

We are officially released on iOS on TestFlight, but we want to show our appreciation for your support by asking you to become our exclusive test users, you will receive the invitation after signing up here.

Android users do not threat! ARCHiTRACKER will soon come to you too! In the meantime you can follow us on our Roadmap, and on instagram for the latest updates.

Now you can ARCHiTRACK us too!

ARCHiTRACKER has been stalking architecture in London for some time now, and we're giving you the opportunity to stalk our actions too! 

Creepy as it sounds, we just mean to follow our ARCHiTRACKER Roadmap board!

Have your voice heard by us!

Your feedback and opinions matters to us, and we will love to have you join us on our journey. We wanted you to know exactly what we are doing and what we are planning for the future.

ARCHiTRACKER app is designed for you and so we wish to have the app how you will find the most beneficial and practical to use.